Coming Home To An Empty House

Coming home to an empty house is never easy. But coming home to a house where someone else may never return can be utterly devastating. The pain of seeing the space where they once were, their belongings still exactly as they left them, can be overwhelming. Everything remains in place, as if they’ll walk through the door any moment—it’s a heartbreaking reminder of their absence.

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Five Things I Noticed When I Lost My Parents

There are milestones in your life that change how you view the world. Some events change both the present and the future, Loss is one of them. The loss of your parents is one of the most devastating experiences of all, regardless of your age.

No matter how close your relationship was, losing a parent is a life-changing event.  It changes how you view the world. You will also feel differently towards almost every aspect in life. I noticed these for myself.

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We all love a great re-run, where we are familiar with the people, and know what will happen and when to react… But why do we relive painful parts of our lives over again? Are we hoping to change it, maybe we can fix it?

Our minds conjure up old memories or portions of our lives that we have a conflict with. These reruns or “flashbacks” represent an internal interpretation of an event. Through the windows of our imaginations, we mentally tweak memory and attempt to alter the event creating a more desirable outcome.

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Grieving, a State or a Stage

Almost everyone has experienced the emotion of grieving. But what happens when the active grieving becomes a state of being?

In most cases, grieving is marked in five common stages: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. No one can say how long it will take to go through any of these stages when you lose a loved one. There is also no way to tell how each stage will affect each person.

There is a common transformation that occurs during the grieving process that is often missed. Many people get stuck in one of the stages of grieving and it becomes a state of being. A state of being can also become a mindset or even a way of life.

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The Hourglass Of Life

Time is like grains of sand falling through an hourglass. However you count the time, we each have a limited amount of time here on earth, which can be measured in many different ways – from minutes to memories, experiences and opportunities… 

For those who measure life in terms of passages of time, there is an inclination to measure by years while growing older, and then in minutes when sensing time is running out. 

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The Veil of Emotions and How to Deal With Them

People and emotions surround us as we try to live our lives. They create a veil that can interfere with the true meaning of both emotions and events. Those veils can be our shield or poison.

Every day, we navigate a world filled with emotions—both our own and those of others. The key is to uncover and address the deeper, underlying emotion beneath the surface. Recognizing the layers of emotion that shield our true feelings can be a challenging but essential skill to develop.

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