Coming Home To An Empty House

Coming home to an empty house is never easy. But coming home to a house where someone else may never return can be utterly devastating. The pain of seeing the space where they once were, their belongings still exactly as they left them, can be overwhelming. Everything remains in place, as if they’ll walk through the door any moment—it’s a heartbreaking reminder of their absence.

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The Journey of Losing A Loved One

Losing a loved one can be called many things, both good and bad, in my case I discovered it was more of a journey.  It started out like a very bad dream that turned out to be unrealistically true.  It was a series of events so hard to understand that I could only view them as cruel jokes. For many people who have experienced the loss of a loved one, they can relate to these feelings. Continue reading “The Journey of Losing A Loved One”