This is a very complicated question when someone you love is sick. The answer is even more complicated, it can mean the difference between praying for life or death.
Every day you hear someone say “please Pray for X, they are very sick”. The majority of people answer with one of two answers, “I will” or “I’m praying for you”.
But, what are we sending with these prayers, most people are afraid to ask. No one wants to ask if we are praying for your loved one to get better or to pass away.
It’s Ok to Ask
I’ve been in this position several times and I’ve learned to use very caring words to ask the question. I’ve also been the person asking for the prayers for my parents. It becomes very difficult when family members are divided, one asking for Peace and the other for Healing.

Prayers carry very powerful energy. You want to make sure that your sending or receiving the correct kind. This can be difficult when more than one person is involved.
What Do I Send?
It is very difficult to let a Loved One go. There comes a point, where each person has to decide who the power and energy of the prayers is going to. Is the energy going to the person that is grieving or the person that is sick? Both individuals deserve the energy of prayer, so we want to send what is needed.
The thought of losing a Loved One is life altering but not letting them go is just as devastating. When we hold on to a Loved One,when it is their time to go, we can destroy even more lives. We always want to send our energy to the person, this is so that they can find peace in whatever they need.

Please don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that we should not pray for a health recovery. My point is, that often we pray for healing energy to keep a Loved One with us. This is not for our Loved One, it is just for ourselves.
The next time you pray for someone, stop for a moment and think about what kind of energy your sending to that person. You are sending a part of your healing energy, so send the one that will work the best.