When a Loved One is sick or aging, we often do our best to avoid the subject. We do even more to avoid the topic of death. But what can you do if a Loved One knows it’s their time, even if you don’t?
This happened to me, my Mother knew it was her time and told me. I went to see her one day and while she was looking out the window I asked her what she was doing and she replied, “I was hoping to see the flowers.”
Before I realized what she was saying, I replied back, “I don’t think they’ve popped threw yet, but they will soon.”

At first I didn’t know what she was telling me, just that she was pointing something out. Then it hit me. My Mother was telling me her time was near and she knew it. My mother couldn’t see and we lived in Michigan. Those were not the flowers she was looking for at all.
It took me a moment to regroup after I realized what she was really telling me I quickly discovered what this truly meant. The deeper meaning of knowing my Mother had realized her time was near was very hard to decipher. I did not know if this would affect her willpower.
This knowledge gave me time to prepare myself for the reality that was coming. In many cases, you have no real insight into when someone is going to leave you. This gave me a chance to prepare myself before it happened.
I have discovered three unaltering facts in preparing for a Loved One’s passing.
First: You can never really be prepared. You can prepare “things” like your affairs. You can mentally brace yourself for the reality of the situation. But when the time comes for a Loved One to go, there is nothing that can make you feel like you were ready for them to go.
Second: You can never predict how you will react. You may be able to predict if it will be “good or bad” but not the end result. After a Loved One passes, the event can trigger feelings and memories that you have tucked away. This can result in a reaction that was never considered or expected.
Third: You cannot control your reaction. You are dealing with an event and situation beyond your control. This is an emotional-based situation where your natural action is to just react based on instinct. Until that moment happens, you will not know what that reaction will be. You may be able to keep your reactions in check, but the true emotion will come through.
If you are blessed to have a Loved One share with you some insight on their time, accept it graciously. View it as a gift and make the most of the time you have, because many people are very fortunate to receive that gift.