The Journey of Losing A Loved One

Losing a loved one can be called many things, both good and bad, in my case I discovered it was more of a journey.  It started out like a very bad dream that turned out to be unrealistically true.  It was a series of events so hard to understand that I could only view them as cruel jokes. For many people who have experienced the loss of a loved one, they can relate to these feelings. Continue reading “The Journey of Losing A Loved One”

The Would’ve, Should’ve Game

We have all done this “If I had only done that, this wouldn’t have happened”.  Well in the case of losing a loved one we tend to go to the extreme.  This is the “What If” but a step higher when your trying to justify your feelings.

Most people play or start playing this game when they find out a loved one is very sick.  They run down a series of question and statements, that include these three words, with the intention to justify “how they” could have prevented the illness.  Continue reading “The Would’ve, Should’ve Game”