People and emotions surround us as we try to live our lives. They create a veil that can interfere with the true meaning of both emotions and events. Those veils can be our shield or poison.
Every day, we navigate a world filled with emotions—both our own and those of others. The key is to uncover and address the deeper, underlying emotion beneath the surface. Recognizing the layers of emotion that shield our true feelings can be a challenging but essential skill to develop.
In many cases, the emotions we display act as a veil, concealing our true feelings. We instinctively use this as a defense mechanism to prevent others from uncovering what we genuinely feel. Often, we’re unaware that this veil even exists, as it quickly becomes a protective shield—a place where we can retreat and feel secure.
Two of the most common veils found with individuals who have lost a Loved One are Grief and Helplessness. Although these are true emotions, they can become veils for other emotions and actions.
-The Veil of Grief acts as a universal cover, capable of hiding any emotion beneath it. It’s remarkable how easily we can attribute new feelings to grief, thinking, “Oh, I’m just grieving.” However, this veil often conceals a single underlying emotion: Fear. Fear of being pushed into change, fear of facing a new reality, and fear of confronting our emotions head-on.
-The veil of Helplessness is a blinder. This is a veil with a clever disguise, “I don’t know”. We often use it to conceal emotions we’ve uncovered but don’t fully understand or know how to handle. Unsure of what to do with these feelings, we instinctively put on blinders. When you feel stuck in your life, job, or emotional state, the veil of “Helplessness” tends to emerge.
Why Do We Use A Veil?
Veils serve purposes beyond just acting as defense mechanisms. They can also be subconscious responses from our brain, occurring automatically without conscious thought to Fear.
-With a veil, we can gain the sympathy of others.
-With a veil, we can defer dealing with our true emotions.
-With a veil, we can defer dealing with reality.

How Can You Remove The Veil?
Removing the veil is all about facing your emotions. You have to recognize the veil and acknowledge the emotion. You can do that by asking yourself the following questions and noticing how you respond :
-What am I afraid of?
-Why am I acting this way?
-Am I just expected to feel this way?
-What don’t I want to deal with?
These questions are designed to help you see emotions exactly as they are—nothing more, nothing less. They will reveal what you’ve been blocking, whether emotions or situations and guide you toward addressing feelings you’ve set aside or ignored. By answering them, you’ll take an important step toward healing and growth. Like me, your emotions may have been put on the back burner or up on a shelf to deal with later. These questions will help you take a step in the right direction to heal.
You want to find peace with your emotions, this can help you move forward. You want to learn to deal with your emotions, not bury them back in the corner of your mind or heart. Remember, things become heavier the longer you carry them. I hid my emotions on a shelf for almost 10 years before it almost destroyed me. I had come to terms with most emotions but had left a few on that shelf.
My suggested reading for this subject is “Light Beyond the Veil” by Ann Zachariah
In “The Light Beyond the Veil,” experience an emotional and a soul transformative journey as the pages unfold the heart-wrenching tale of loss, grief, and the power of human resilience.